Sunday, November 2, 2014

                                                                                            MLA Format

              "Abortion." it is a word that runs through the minds of many. It means
the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. We have all heard of it, but somehow we end up classifying, judging it the same way under any circumstance. Many people are small minded and believe that in any situation it is wrong, or selfish. Somehow knowing all of the possible circumstances or events leading up to a pregnancy they still vote for abortion to be illegalized. They choose their way and they recruit other who have no problem restricting women. These are what they call ProLifers. The argument to them is, is it right by their book?  Their answer is no. It is not, should a woman have a choice to do as she wishes with the embryo her partner and herself has consumed? yes.  Is it right to abort a pregnancy? The answer to this is that there isn't one answer. How could one answer can not apply to the millions of different categorie? The question is should an unfortunate innocent life be born into a bad situation. Is it right to bring a child into a setting in which it is unwanted, or can not be properly taken care of?

            There is , for the most part, one thought in the minds of those who oppose abortion. Abortion is wrong. Many are small minded enough to think that everyone think the same. Therefore they try to restrict the right to abort by choice. Somehow the thought of whether they are taking away a woman's right is outrageous and unjust flies from their minds. Abortion is one concept but it is infused with many subcategories as to why it is chosen. For example in 2011 a set of laws on abortion took effect. In 2012 from January to June two hundred seventy three abortion limitations were proposed at the state level. Two hundred thirty five or nine out of ten did not have an exception for victims of rape. In fact a statement made by Barbara Listing, the president of Right to Life Michigan, says " It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those." This statement was made in regard to the decision that was being made to raise insurance coverage costs for abortions, even in cases of rape. Now having many women who are in need or an abortion but have a low income this makes their struggle harder. When an abortion can not be done it leads to more children being born into poverty with struggling parents. Another circumstance are cases of incest. Incest breeding between two people who share a large number of genes. This causes many different disorders within the offspring of the couple. Examples of said disorders are Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Albinism, Infertility, Cleft Palates, Heart Problems, Facial Asymmetry, Low Birth Weight, Slow Development Rate, and Neonatal Mortality. Many offspring also suffer from early deaths. Many cases of children resulting from incest are also cases in which a woman was raped or manipulated by a family member.

            If abortion is completely illegalized victims of rape, and Incest would suffer. As well as children produced from a case of Incest. Why put the lives of innocent women, and children on the line? Why force a child with extreme deformities to be born? why put the lives of both the mother and child in danger because of the belief of some that abortion is immoral?

            Now there is the question of whether abortion makes a woman infertile or not. This question was answered in nineteen ninety three when the Joint Royal College of General Practitioners and The Royal College of Obstericians and Gynecologists conducted a fertility experiment. The experiment showed that women who had two abortions had the same level of fertility as women who had at least two natural pregnancies. One other disproven argument frequently presented is that somehow an abortion can cause cancer. This statement was disproven by the NCI also known as the National Cancer Institution and the ACS a.k.a the American Cancer Society. Both organizations discredit the statement that abortion causes cancer.

           In truth many from what i have seen many who oppose abortion do not fully grasp why it should be a choice for all women. Their arguments have been discredited, and many haven't really done extensive research as they should. The right of women to do as they wish with their bodies has been taken away because some believe that abortion is immoral. Why should a woman's right to herself be taken away and her decision be predestined for her yet a man having a vasectomy is legal? All woman should have the right to their bodies. Women should be able to decide what to do with her baby, and body instead of being forced into something that could leave her with a burden that she doesn't want. This kind of situation could put both mother and child especially in an extremely stressful, unstable/unhealthy environment 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you describe and the way you describe the things that took place
