Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dear Diary,

                 Today there was so much drama. I ended up going all over the city for him. In the morning he was hanging out with his friends. Suddenly they turned their head in my direction, and they all stared in my direction. I stopped in my tracks, turning my head to look around, my eyes wandered over the street behind me, and grazed the passing cars. When i saw nothing, I turned back around looking back at the group who was still staring my way. I turned, put my head down, and began walking in the direction of the school. Suddenly i heard a voice call my name, and a hand on my shoulder.

               That hand spun me around, and i stared into his big yellowish brown eyes. He opened his mouth and said something that i didn't quite catch. I could hear the blood rushing through my ears 

Friday, March 13, 2015

                                           Nuclear Power
       Nuclear Power is made from splitting atoms apart. In the process of these bonds being broken, energy is taken, and they use the energy to heat up which creates steam. With the steam electricity is created. It sounds pretty safe, so why is it becoming such a concern to people? why is it such a big deal? It sounds like a great alternative to fossil fuel. Looking deeper you'll find that the act is safe but through the process waste is created. a radioactive waste, This waste is very dangerous to human when they are exposed to it.

          People who think that nuclear energy is a pointless pursuit argue a number of different points against it. They point out the fact that it is responsible for a number of different disasters in history. Many people who support Nuclear Energy can argue a number of different things in favor of it. For example in the essay "The Truth About Nuclear Power" written by Veronique De Rugy she says that "the use of fuels will not be lowered by very much more than one percent in the U.S.A. It remains uncompetitive with coal, and natural gases." This makes it seem as though there is no point in the research of nuclear energy.

         However many people who support Nuclear Energy can argue many things as well. For example they claim that Nuclear Power has a lower risk factor than burning gas, oil, and coal. Gas, oil, and coal produce a lot of pollution (co2) which gets trapped in the atmosphere, and holds heat inside. This has made the degree of the ocean go up by one. which doesn't seem like much but it is a very big deal. This means that the whole entire ocean hes been raised one degree, ice caps are melting and a lot is changing due to global warming. the world would be much better off with cutting down on as much pollution as possible. another reason as to why nuclear energy is a good idea was given from the written by William H. Miller in the essay William states that nuclear energy is  "not very dangerous, and very cost effective. This explains that the risk factors that people are so worried about are nothing to be worried about.

        Nuclear Energy is a solution to pollution . It is an iffy solution but still a step forward in the process of cutting down on the pollution of oil, coal, and gas. Although claims have been made that it is too risky and costs much more than they estimated it is still an improvement that the waste given off by the alternative. It depends on the type of person you are. Whether you believe in taking risks for improvement or whether you are a cautious person.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

           Over the three week winter break I did not do very much. On the first day i was excited for half of the day and for the other half i slowly came to realize that i had nothing to do. On the first day of the first weekend of break that i got for weekend i went to work. i am a waitress, secretary, and dish washer to my grandfather's wellness corner. I stayed at work from ten o'clock to seven o'clock serving food, coffee, packets, made copies, packets, and everything else that needed to be done by my. After work i got a ride to my moms house. When i got home i made Top Ramen for my little sister and myself. When i finished eating i washed the dishes. Then i went to my bedroom got my clothes, got my towel, and continued on my way to the bathroom. I took my shower and went to my bed. i laid down, and texted until I fell into a deep sleep. The next day was Sunday so i laid around the house, and watched t.v.. At around four-twenty or so i got off of my butt and got ready for church. I went to church, got something to eat, and went back home. The next few days i repeated my routine of getting up late in the day, walking around like a zombie, and taking a lot of naps.

       By the next Saturday i was well rested and I went to work. I did the same thing as last week, and by the end of the day i was exhausted all over again. On that Saturday I got a lot of tips. The people were feeling generous, i guess due to their Christmas spirits. I saved the money, decided to buy my family and best friend at the time presents. The next days went by the same way as the week before. On Christmas I cleaned up my house for our yearly Christmas party. After the party I realized that I was missing a gift. Until passing out the presents my aunt had given away my Christmas present from my dad.
       I spent the next day bummed out. I went to work, I had a long day, I got and I Uber, and then went home. On New Years I wacthed my niece, and passed out a couple of minutes after the ball dropped. The next day I was still at my sister's  house, and there was a girl there talking about a fight. It turns out that the night before there had been a very crazy fight between one of my sister's friends had beaten a girl up very badly. She put the girl in the hospital

Thursday, January 29, 2015

                             My name is Riley (code name). I was born in Los Angeles, California. I am the third of four children. My life has always been a series of downs with the occasional ups. I was born in a hospital room that no one exactly remembers. There are no pictures on record. When my mom went back to work I ended up spending my days with my father, who for the most part ignored my crying all day. My mom was head chiropractor until I was the age of 4. When I hit that age my mother got pregnant with my little sister, Dawn. Because of her pregnancy she had to take off a couple of months leave from her job. She had my sister, nursed her, and eventually had to go back to work. Unfortunately the ward had given away my mother’s job to another woman. My mom got so angry that she didn’t take the position that she was offered.
                        For a while everything was fine. Then with all of the stress my mother and father built up. One night they decided to sit us down and asked us the dreaded question “If we decided to separate, who would you rather go with?”. We decided that going with my mother was best even though she was harder on us than our dad. A few nights later we had packed a lot of stuff and all I remember is walking by our patio and hearing my dad’s cries. Over the next few weeks, having not seen or heard from my dad I kept together. One day after school he showed up and was back in our lives occasionally ever since.
                    Throughout my elementary and middle school experience I used the struggles that I had seen as my motivation to be a good student. It was easy at that point. When I reached high school it was easy because nothing had really changed. Half way through my second semester in school my home life began to get in the way. I had to struggle to keep up with my work and I ended up losing focus. Ever since then it became a habit of forgetting to do work or putting it off. It’s been a struggle over the last couple of years to get back up to the student I used to be, but with great effort I’m slowly reverting back. Balancing life and work is a thing everyone eventually has to learn to do. I feel like I am finally starting to get the hang of juggling both concepts without losing hope or giving up.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

                                                                 EPT Essay

            The topic presented in Margaret Mead's book the Egaltarian Error is the ideal success of Americans today.It states that the " concept of success is a source of confusion." It argues americans think of success they only think of the glamorous lifestyles. The question is, Is this statement true? Is it possible that all that we find attractive are the rich and the famous. It's true that over the generations we have idolized those who have accumulated massive amounts of money. Does that make us obsessed with power and money?

              In truth this argument is agreeable. The young people of this country dream of growing up to be rappers and "beautiful people". They look up to those who get " out of control" "ratchet" and lose their minds. They yearn to be relieved of responsibility while those in other countries yearn to aquire it. In other countries their children yearn to pursue doctors, nurses, and other realistic careers. Why is it that many of us yearn for the unrealistic while they yearn for the practical things in life?

               One theory is that the younger generation of our country had to face reality too early in their lives. This theory means that the young of our generation had to grow up quickly with obligations and responsibilities. Though our country's young generation seems to be ignorant to reality the truth is many of them are just trying to run from it. In the childhoods/ memories of the young, the wild, and the free lies pain, regret, betrayal, anger, sadness, and a gaping void. Many do not realize that they are struggling with these emotions. They are drawn to the carefree lifestyles that they hadn't been had the luxury of as a child.

                 Another theory is that the younger generation has been coddled or babied too much.
Peter Pan Syndrome may be a result of overprotective parents because it hinders the child from growing to maturity and to exhibit their own skills to face life’s challenges. They suffer Peter Pan Syndrome, meaning they  are unable to grow into maturity to grow up. People who suffer from Peter Pan Syndrome are very undependable. Therefore they can not possibly hold a job. There are many contributions as to why America's young lack capability, but it always goes back to how they were raised. 

                                                                                            MLA Format

              "Abortion." it is a word that runs through the minds of many. It means
the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. We have all heard of it, but somehow we end up classifying, judging it the same way under any circumstance. Many people are small minded and believe that in any situation it is wrong, or selfish. Somehow knowing all of the possible circumstances or events leading up to a pregnancy they still vote for abortion to be illegalized. They choose their way and they recruit other who have no problem restricting women. These are what they call ProLifers. The argument to them is, is it right by their book?  Their answer is no. It is not, should a woman have a choice to do as she wishes with the embryo her partner and herself has consumed? yes.  Is it right to abort a pregnancy? The answer to this is that there isn't one answer. How could one answer can not apply to the millions of different categorie? The question is should an unfortunate innocent life be born into a bad situation. Is it right to bring a child into a setting in which it is unwanted, or can not be properly taken care of?

            There is , for the most part, one thought in the minds of those who oppose abortion. Abortion is wrong. Many are small minded enough to think that everyone think the same. Therefore they try to restrict the right to abort by choice. Somehow the thought of whether they are taking away a woman's right is outrageous and unjust flies from their minds. Abortion is one concept but it is infused with many subcategories as to why it is chosen. For example in 2011 a set of laws on abortion took effect. In 2012 from January to June two hundred seventy three abortion limitations were proposed at the state level. Two hundred thirty five or nine out of ten did not have an exception for victims of rape. In fact a statement made by Barbara Listing, the president of Right to Life Michigan, says " It's simply, like, nobody plans to have an accident in a car accident, nobody plans to have their homes flooded. You have to buy extra insurance for those." This statement was made in regard to the decision that was being made to raise insurance coverage costs for abortions, even in cases of rape. Now having many women who are in need or an abortion but have a low income this makes their struggle harder. When an abortion can not be done it leads to more children being born into poverty with struggling parents. Another circumstance are cases of incest. Incest breeding between two people who share a large number of genes. This causes many different disorders within the offspring of the couple. Examples of said disorders are Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Albinism, Infertility, Cleft Palates, Heart Problems, Facial Asymmetry, Low Birth Weight, Slow Development Rate, and Neonatal Mortality. Many offspring also suffer from early deaths. Many cases of children resulting from incest are also cases in which a woman was raped or manipulated by a family member.

            If abortion is completely illegalized victims of rape, and Incest would suffer. As well as children produced from a case of Incest. Why put the lives of innocent women, and children on the line? Why force a child with extreme deformities to be born? why put the lives of both the mother and child in danger because of the belief of some that abortion is immoral?

            Now there is the question of whether abortion makes a woman infertile or not. This question was answered in nineteen ninety three when the Joint Royal College of General Practitioners and The Royal College of Obstericians and Gynecologists conducted a fertility experiment. The experiment showed that women who had two abortions had the same level of fertility as women who had at least two natural pregnancies. One other disproven argument frequently presented is that somehow an abortion can cause cancer. This statement was disproven by the NCI also known as the National Cancer Institution and the ACS a.k.a the American Cancer Society. Both organizations discredit the statement that abortion causes cancer.

           In truth many from what i have seen many who oppose abortion do not fully grasp why it should be a choice for all women. Their arguments have been discredited, and many haven't really done extensive research as they should. The right of women to do as they wish with their bodies has been taken away because some believe that abortion is immoral. Why should a woman's right to herself be taken away and her decision be predestined for her yet a man having a vasectomy is legal? All woman should have the right to their bodies. Women should be able to decide what to do with her baby, and body instead of being forced into something that could leave her with a burden that she doesn't want. This kind of situation could put both mother and child especially in an extremely stressful, unstable/unhealthy environment 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

                        My name is Riley (code name). I was born in Los Angeles, California. I am the third of four children. My life has always been a series of downs with the occasional ups. I was born in a hospital room that no one exactly remembers. There are no pictures on record. When my mom went back to work I ended up spending my days with my father, who for the most part ignored my crying all day. My mom was head chiropractor until I was the age of 4. When I hit that age my mother got pregnant with my little sister, Dawn. Because of her pregnancy she had to take off a couple of months leave from her job. She had my sister, nursed her, and eventually had to go back to work. Unfortunately the ward had given away my mother’s job to another woman. My mom got so angry that she didn’t take the position that she was offered.
                               For a while everything was fine. Then with all of the stress my mother and father built up. One night they decided to sit us down and asked us the dreaded question “If we decided to separate, who would you rather go with?”. We decided that going with my mother was best even though she was harder on us than our dad. A few nights later we had packed a lot of stuff and all I remember is walking by our patio and hearing my dad’s cries. Over the next few weeks, having not seen or heard from my dad I kept together. One day after school he showed up and was back in our lives occasionally ever since.
                           Throughout my elementary and middle school experience I used the struggles that I had seen as my motivation to be a good student. It was easy at that point. When I reached high school it was easy because nothing had really changed. Half way through my second semester in school my home life began to get in the way. I had to struggle to keep up with my work and I ended up losing focus. Ever since then it became a habit of forgetting to do work or putting it off. It’s been a struggle over the last couple of years to get back up to the student I used to be, but with great effort I’m slowly reverting back. Balancing life and work is a thing everyone eventually has to learn to do. I feel like I am finally starting to get the hang of juggling both concepts without losing hope or giving up.