Friday, March 13, 2015

                                           Nuclear Power
       Nuclear Power is made from splitting atoms apart. In the process of these bonds being broken, energy is taken, and they use the energy to heat up which creates steam. With the steam electricity is created. It sounds pretty safe, so why is it becoming such a concern to people? why is it such a big deal? It sounds like a great alternative to fossil fuel. Looking deeper you'll find that the act is safe but through the process waste is created. a radioactive waste, This waste is very dangerous to human when they are exposed to it.

          People who think that nuclear energy is a pointless pursuit argue a number of different points against it. They point out the fact that it is responsible for a number of different disasters in history. Many people who support Nuclear Energy can argue a number of different things in favor of it. For example in the essay "The Truth About Nuclear Power" written by Veronique De Rugy she says that "the use of fuels will not be lowered by very much more than one percent in the U.S.A. It remains uncompetitive with coal, and natural gases." This makes it seem as though there is no point in the research of nuclear energy.

         However many people who support Nuclear Energy can argue many things as well. For example they claim that Nuclear Power has a lower risk factor than burning gas, oil, and coal. Gas, oil, and coal produce a lot of pollution (co2) which gets trapped in the atmosphere, and holds heat inside. This has made the degree of the ocean go up by one. which doesn't seem like much but it is a very big deal. This means that the whole entire ocean hes been raised one degree, ice caps are melting and a lot is changing due to global warming. the world would be much better off with cutting down on as much pollution as possible. another reason as to why nuclear energy is a good idea was given from the written by William H. Miller in the essay William states that nuclear energy is  "not very dangerous, and very cost effective. This explains that the risk factors that people are so worried about are nothing to be worried about.

        Nuclear Energy is a solution to pollution . It is an iffy solution but still a step forward in the process of cutting down on the pollution of oil, coal, and gas. Although claims have been made that it is too risky and costs much more than they estimated it is still an improvement that the waste given off by the alternative. It depends on the type of person you are. Whether you believe in taking risks for improvement or whether you are a cautious person.