Wednesday, February 4, 2015

           Over the three week winter break I did not do very much. On the first day i was excited for half of the day and for the other half i slowly came to realize that i had nothing to do. On the first day of the first weekend of break that i got for weekend i went to work. i am a waitress, secretary, and dish washer to my grandfather's wellness corner. I stayed at work from ten o'clock to seven o'clock serving food, coffee, packets, made copies, packets, and everything else that needed to be done by my. After work i got a ride to my moms house. When i got home i made Top Ramen for my little sister and myself. When i finished eating i washed the dishes. Then i went to my bedroom got my clothes, got my towel, and continued on my way to the bathroom. I took my shower and went to my bed. i laid down, and texted until I fell into a deep sleep. The next day was Sunday so i laid around the house, and watched t.v.. At around four-twenty or so i got off of my butt and got ready for church. I went to church, got something to eat, and went back home. The next few days i repeated my routine of getting up late in the day, walking around like a zombie, and taking a lot of naps.

       By the next Saturday i was well rested and I went to work. I did the same thing as last week, and by the end of the day i was exhausted all over again. On that Saturday I got a lot of tips. The people were feeling generous, i guess due to their Christmas spirits. I saved the money, decided to buy my family and best friend at the time presents. The next days went by the same way as the week before. On Christmas I cleaned up my house for our yearly Christmas party. After the party I realized that I was missing a gift. Until passing out the presents my aunt had given away my Christmas present from my dad.
       I spent the next day bummed out. I went to work, I had a long day, I got and I Uber, and then went home. On New Years I wacthed my niece, and passed out a couple of minutes after the ball dropped. The next day I was still at my sister's  house, and there was a girl there talking about a fight. It turns out that the night before there had been a very crazy fight between one of my sister's friends had beaten a girl up very badly. She put the girl in the hospital